I just wanted to take a few minutes today to say how grateful I am that I get to stay at home with my kids everyday! I don't have to miss any event in their lives. And though sometimes it may be hard, it really is the best job in the world! The other day I was in the grocery store and ran into an old co-worker of my husband's. We were just catching up and I was complaining about how Bryce is never home and always working long hours. I was being a real Debbie Downer (SNL).

Sometimes I don't really realize how pessimistic I am, oops I need to work on that! Then the girl I was talking to said to me, "well, at least you get to stay home with your kids." Nothing makes you feel worse than when you realize you aren't being grateful for best part of your life, your time with your children! This girl I was talking to has two young children and goes to work everyday and I get to stay home! I felt so bad, then I babbled on forever talking about how great it is to be with my kids at home! I am sure she hopes she never runs into me again. Ever since that day I have tried to have a better attitude and be more grateful for the opportunity I get to be with my children every passing moment! The days have gone so much smoother I am so much more patient, which is something I pray to have more of every night! Don't get me wrong I still love the moments when they are sleeping, I'm just now enjoying the other moments more! Like Ellie dancing to the music and Hudson's laughter when I play with him!
You're not alone! We all feel like that sometimes. Thanks for helping me appreciate being at home all day more. We really do have it made & sometimes just need a little reminder of just how lucky we are. Thanks for being my reminder!
i completely agree. those who are able to are very lucky to beable to stay at home. thanks for reminding us why.
We are very blessed to stay home, here in California, not a lot of people have that choice. It is nice to always have that reminder though, especially when I need it because Courtney is driving me crazy today!! But at least I am home to see her :)
The thing that keeps me sane having Jed gone so much is the fact that I know he doesn't want to be at work any more than I want him to be. Of course he'd rather be at home with us (who wouldn't?!?) But it's really easy for me to get frustrated at HIM when that doesn't even make sense. It's not his fault. So I just try to remember at least he has a job that he enjoys, we don't go without, and I'm just really glad I have a husband that does come home. That's a blessing right there! That's the end of my novel. And thank-you for the reminder... Maverick has asked me four times since we came to your house when we can go back. So thanks!
Well said Joell. I have done that same thing before and left the conversation feeling guilty. And I am grateful that I can stay home with Gavin, but any job has it's ups and downs and us moms need to vent sometimes too! But we wouldn't change it for the world. :)
I had an original thought but it has escaped my mind...Good post! I think I'm pessimistic too but also working on enjoying the lil moments and the kids childhood by trying to Play with them more. Love reading your posts! Lucky girl to live with your mom. Give her a big hug for me!
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