2.She love to sing and dance. Whenever there is music playing she jumps around and turns in circles and sings loud whatever she thinks sounds good. She has some really good moves I'm sure all from her mother.
3. Books. Need I say more. Her favorite toy by far, whatever we do there is always a book involved. In the car before we leave she wants a book, before bed, she reads to Hudson, etc. Books everywhere!
4.Silly. She thinks she is hilarious. She is at the stage where she talks non stop and I only understand about 10% of what is being said and she laugh at everything. Tonight she was lying on the couch telling what she needed she said "milk", I gave her milk, she said "blankie", I gave her the blanket, then she said "milk" again and I said, "you have your milk what else do you want?" She said clear as day for the 1st time "apple juice". How could I not just jump at such a clear demand we were all laughing so hard!
5.Love Cleaning. She must get this from Grandma Joan because from earlier post you might have learned I am not so good at it. Anyway just tonight Grandma was dusting and Ellie ran, I mean ran, in to get her duster off her cleaning trolley, she got for Christmas from G-ma Joan and G-pa Jay. She was so darn excited she dusted until bed time. It was so cute and Grandma told her "maybe someday you can teach mommy how to clean!" Ha ha, thanks mom, love you too!
Oh my Ellie Jo! What would I do with out you? My life would be filled with little excitement. You make me smile, cry, laugh, fall apart. But don't change one bit you are my special little girl sent here to fill my life with joy!
What an absolute doll! Sounds like she is so smart. Yeah, Gma Joan must be rubbing off regarding the cleaner part, I've never seen anyone move so fast when it comes to cleaning other than Aunt Joan. I wish I got that gene, but I am more like you in the cleaning department. as for Ellie, a cleaning toddler who could ask for more!
Ellie is so darn cute! If there is a will there is a way sounds just like your mom, thats funny and yet so true! I love everything about her, she is such a cute girl!
That is the cutest picture of Ellie. She is such a sweet girl and my kids love playing with her. Weston just saw this picture and got excited and keeps saying her name.
And she squeaks...
What a doll! Loves cleaning? You can send her over anytime!!!
Joell, Your kids are so cute! They grew up so fast.
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